Deaths: 23
- Known Deaths on the Island: 23
- Co-Pilot pulled from cockpit by the “monster”
- Joanna (drowned swimming in ocean)
- Scott Jackson (apparently killed by Ethan)
- Ethan Rom (killed by Charlie)
- U.S. Marshal (mercy killing by Jack after Sawyer’s failed attempt)
- Arzt (blew up during transport of dynamite)
- Donald (from the tail end of plane; died from leg infection after crash)
- Nathan (killed by Goodwin after being held in Ana Lucia’s pit-prison)
- Goodwin (killed by a combination of Ana Lucia, gravity & a well-placed spikey stick)
- 2 unnamed “Others” killed by Mr. Eko as they tried to take him away
- 1 unnamed female “Other” killed by Ana Lucia during the attack in which The Others took “The Good Nine”
- Shannon (shot by Ana Lucia)
- The Real Henry Gale (occupying the grave underneath the Smiley-Face balloon; died of unknown causes; but was alive long enough to write his wife a final letter)
- Ana Lucia (shot by Michael)
- Sawyer shot one of “The Others” while searching for their camp to which Michael was leading them (the body was inspected briefly & determined to be dead)
- Kevin Inman (apparently killed during a struggle with Desmond)
- Colleen (the “Other” shot by Sun on the sailboat)
- Mr. Eko (beaten & killed by the “black smoke monster”)
- Unconfirmed: Radzinsky, a previous inhabitant of “The Hatch” (the Swan Complex) supposedly killed himself inside the complex before Desmond’s arrival
- Unconfirmed/unknown: Cindy (the flight attendant taken during the trek across the island by the second set of Flight 815 survivors)
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