Sun Paik

- Age/Date of Birth:
- Seat Number:
- Occupation:
- Connection(s):
- Supernatural Characteristic:
- Reason on the plane:
- Changed her mind about leaving her husband at the airport, joined him on a business flight
- Resides:
- Survivor’s Camp/Swan Complex
- Notes:
- Married to Jin
- Hid her ability to speak English from her husband
- Had originally planned to flee her husband by flying out of the country
- Has knowledge of medicinal properties of island plants
- Appears to be pregnant
- Knows how to sail a boat
- Had an affair with Jae (who was marked for death by her father; spared by Jin (his executioner); then committed suicide)
- Has a history of lying (from when she was a girl & blamed the maid for a broken glass ballerina to her affair with Jae and keeping things from her husband on the island)
- Shot (and possibly killed) Colleen as “The Others” were taking the sailboat
Filed in:
Survivors of Flight #815