LOST Experience Videos
- The Psychology Test Orientation Film (links to YouTube)
- From “The LOST Experience” Game
- Titled: “Orientation – Psychology Test 1 of 1”
- Details: Is a series of still images (many of animals) edited together
- Ends with the questions: “Who were they?” “Where did they go?” “Why didn’t they return?” “Whatever happened to the Dharma Initiative?”
- Dated: 1980
- The “Sri Lanka” Video (links to YouTube)
- From “The LOST Experience” Game
- Hosted by: Alvar Hanso (first portion); Thomas Werner Mittlewerk (second portion)
- Titled: “Orientation”
- First Portion Details: Hanso notes “if you’re watching this film, you already know and have worked with Gerald and Karen DeGroot;” references secrecy of the project and that the location of the “facility” (showing what looks like the island) is known only to himself, the DeGroot’s and a few high-ranking members of his organization; that the “research is intended to do nothing less than save the world as we know it;” references the “Valenzetti Equation” of Enso Valenzetti that predicts the exact number of years and months until humanity “extinquishes itself;” reveals that “the numbers” (4 8 15 16 23 42) are “numerical values to the core environment and human factors” in the Valenzetti Equation; reveals that “DHARMA” stands for “Deparment of Hueristics And Research on Material Applications” and “also stands for the one, true way;” references the island’s complexes (showing the logos of ‘The Pearl’ and ‘The Swan’ stations); notes that food and medical supplies will be dropped “in perpetuity;” references the radio transmitter on the island that broadcasts in a frequency and encryption known only “to us;” the radio transmitter only broadcasts the “core numberical values of the Valenzetti Equation;” emphasizes that the goal of the work on the island is to change (at least) one of the “core numerical values” and that doing so will save humanity
- Dated: 1975
- Second Portion Details: film then reveals that it is being shot on a video camera held (in apparent hiding) behind some boxes. The video camera is being used to record a meeting of a group of people in white doctor/lab coats; the speaker (Thomas Werner Mittlewerk) mentions that:
- the DHARMA Initiative has failed; the viewers “are gripped in the tryanny of those numbers;” they’ve tried to change the numerical values by manipulating the environment, but that they keep returning to those core numbers; they now have to take radical action; references a plan to deliver a virus to local villagers under the guise of supplying a vaccine to a virus carried by local macaques; continues to instruct that the bodies of the dead should be brought to their facility; wishes to “make absolute certain we are hitting precise genetic targets we have engineered into the virus;” optimal death rate is 30% (more or less denotes a failure); references a “VIK Institute” whose operatives have confirmed this number; claims that the creation of this virus will end “all famine, war, poverty;” notices “something reflecting” in the back which leads to the camerawoman running and, apparently, being caught as she screams “get off me”
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