Alex Rousseau

- Age/Date of Birth:
- Occupation:
- Connection(s):
- Supernatural Characteristic:
- Reason on the island:
- Child of Danielle Rousseau
- Resides:
- With The Others (implied)
- Notes:
- The child of Danielle Rousseau. During The Others confrontation with Jack’s search party (for Michael), the leader states “Bring her out, Alex.” (“her” referring to the bound & gagged Kate); a girl of about 16 was on the boat during the kidnapping of Walt from the raft (this may have possibly been Alex)
- *Most likely was the girl that rescued Claire (and her unborn baby) from “The Others” Dharma Complex (where Claire was being kept to have her baby) [she wasn’t referenced by name, but it makes the most sense.]
Filed in:
Inhabitants of Unknown Allegiance