Walter “Walt” Lloyd

- Age/Date of Birth:
- Seat Number:
- Occupation:
- Connection(s):
- Supernatural Characteristic:
- Has the most apparently powerful abilities on the island; his visions manifest reality (related to animals; always in conjunction with Walt’s reading/viewing a book about the same animal that appears)
- Reason on the plane:
- Being taken to the U.S. by his biological father after his step-father sensed that Walter is “bad luck”
- Resides:
- On a boat/Apparently left the island
- Notes:
- Won $83,000 from Hurley in backgammon; after originally wanting to stay on the island,* he had an apparently psychic knowledge that he (specifically) had to get off the island and that something very bad is within “the hatch”; kidnapped by “The Others”
- *he set fire to the first escape raft that his father built because he didn’t want to leave the island
Filed in:
Survivors of Flight #815