Michael Dawson

- Age/Date of Birth:
- Seat Number:
- Occupation:
- Artist & Construction engineer
- Connection(s):
- Supernatural Characteristic:
- Reason on the plane:
- Retrieving his son Walt from Australia after his mother died
- Resides:
- On a boat/Apparently left the island
- Notes:
- Building a boat to leave the island; went after Walt and was missing in the jungle for some time; it’s assumed that he had some interaction with The Others that caused his betrayal of the Survivors of Flight 815
- Shot & killed both Ana Lucia & Libby in an apparent exchange with “The Others” (his releasing of Ben Linus & leading of Jack, Sawyer, Kate & Hurley to “The Others” camp in exchange for the release of his son from “The Others” and instructions on how to get off the island)
Filed in:
Survivors of Flight #815