Ben Linus

- “‘The Other’ Formerly Known as ‘Henry Gale'”
- Seems to be the leader of “The Others”
- Considers himself and “The Others” to be “the good guys”
- Originally, he claimed that his name was “Henry Gale” and that he crashed on the island in a balloon with his wife (who has died). He maintained this lie until the real Henry Gale was discovered buried in the grave that supposedly held this character’s wife.
- “Wizard of Oz” Relation: The name “Henry Gale” is the name of Dorothy’s uncle; the “Wizard” descends into Oz (and later escapes) in a hot-air balloon.
- It’s quickly becoming apparent that “Henry’s” abilities lie within psychological manipulation & powers of suggestion.
- ABC’s official LOST site includes a “diary” of a supposed on-island character which references the person being held as his/her brother. Read it here.
- Henry told Locke that his mission was to come get Locke since he was one of the “good one’s.”
- Introduce Jack (and the viewers) to the concept that time has continued to progress on the island & that there is still a connection between the “real world” and the world of the island
- Ben claims that he was born on the island
- A Google search for “Ben Linus” returns (in the paid results) a link for http://www.hansoadoptions.org (click on the missing year in the copyright at the bottom for a little surprise)
Filed in:
The Others