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Semi-Regular Randomly-infrequent dispatches on click-worthy entertainments, art, interesting facts & more!

Classic 80’s Games

Get ready to waste some precious time...For your gaming pleasure, 80's Videogames Online{ PacMan, Simon, Frogger, Moon Patrol, Donkey Kong, Tetris, Duck Hunt, Pong, Asteroids, and Star Castle... enjoy! }

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Classic 80’s Games

Get ready to waste some precious time...For your gaming pleasure, 80's Videogames Online{ PacMan, Simon, Frogger, Moon Patrol, Donkey Kong, Tetris, Duck Hunt, Pong, Asteroids, and Star Castle... enjoy! }

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Your Own R2D2

Just in time for the very last episode of 'Star Wars' films, comes the offer of your very own R2D2-like robot: the PC-BOT.Of course, it's color palette makes it look more like a bot playing for that other 'side' ... and, it doesn't have the little jets to fly around...

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Today’s Front Pages

The NewsMuseum presents Today's Front Pages from 397 international newspapers.{ view from small thumbnails all the way up to full-resolution PDFs... makes for an interesting read. }

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Today’s Front Pages

The NewsMuseum presents Today's Front Pages from 397 international newspapers.{ view from small thumbnails all the way up to full-resolution PDFs... makes for an interesting read. }

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O.C.D. Hobbies

After spending a good chunk of time on the 'LOST' Notebook for no apparently good reason, I decided to take a look at the more substantial results of some other individuals' obsessive focus:Home THEATER{ impressive in its own right, but be sure to view the entire...

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Alien Loves Predator

Of course, if you do enjoy comics, you might as well take another look at Alien Loves Predator{ kind of like "The Odd Couple" but more with the... oh, actually, no, not like that at all. }{ for maximum enjoyment, start at the beginning - in the archives. }

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70 Most Beautiful Words

This would have been a better post on Mother's Day: the British Council displays their list of the 70 Most Beautiful Words (in the English language){ as selected by over 40,000 international voters } { just FYI: it's "70"...

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The ‘LOST’ Notebook

Hello Visitors:I'm happy to announce the addition of an entirely new project here on 'LOST' Notebook offers viewer's of ABC's television show 'LOST' an on-line companion for exploring the various storylines, developments and mysteries of this...

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The ‘LOST’ Notebook

Hello Visitors:I'm happy to announce the addition of an entirely new project here on 'LOST' Notebook offers viewer's of ABC's television show 'LOST' an on-line companion for exploring the various storylines, developments and mysteries of this...

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