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Semi-Regular Randomly-infrequent dispatches on click-worthy entertainments, art, interesting facts & more!
LifeHut "As we, as people, continue through life, we are presented with questions and situations daily. Sometimes we find the answers, sometimes we don't. LifeHut is here to help resolve those moments when you find yourself scratching your head."
Snooze: The Photo Project
Snooze { a photography project }: "For almost three years, Dean Baldwin has marked the waking moment of his day with a self-portrait taken by a digital camera hooked up to his alarm clock."{it's in a stupid Flash interface, so you have to navigate to the...
No Idea — But Fun!
I have no idea what this, err, game(?) is about but it's a lot of fun to play with the tubes and redirect the flying pellets into various music-making devices. Don't worry, it might make more sense when you play: La Pâte à Son
No Idea — But Fun!
I have no idea what this, err, game(?) is about but it's a lot of fun to play with the tubes and redirect the flying pellets into various music-making devices. Don't worry, it might make more sense when you play: La Pâte à Son
Credit Card Prank
Wondering how closely the signature on your credit card is checked? Some chap replaced his credit slip signature with things like: signing someone else's name, scribbling, drawing geometric shapes, using heiroglyphics and even writing the phrases "please...
Don’t Walk Chair
Urbancharm presents the "Don't Walk Chair" { made from old crosswalk signs } as well as other fine furniture made out of boxing gloves, bowling balls and more.
Don’t Walk Chair
Urbancharm presents the "Don't Walk Chair" { made from old crosswalk signs } as well as other fine furniture made out of boxing gloves, bowling balls and more.
Life-Changing Blog of Daily Affirmations
The Life-Changing Blog of Daily Affirmations is the best website ever! The Life-Changing Blog of Daily Affirmations is the best website ever! The Life-Changing Blog of Daily Affirmations is the best website ever!{ why do I keep saying that? }{ by the way, when...
Kegbot … Beer Me!
DarkDan says we need:The Kegbot Beer Device ... Beer me!{ it's basically a keg with a computer brain that tracks who drinks what & when ... then posts the high scorers on an online leaderboard. }
Matt Burlingame
This comes courtesy of Jim... His friend Matt Burlingame is a sick puppy. But a very talented dioramist. {Mature Content Warning}
Balloon Bazooka
I could do a lot of damage with one of these.
Mercedes-Benz Mixed Tape #8
Mercedes-Benz releases mixed-tape album #8{ free for the listening & downloading }
D.I.Y. UFO Hoax
It's summer. You could use some entertainment. The citizens of your town are waaaay too complacent about that whole UFO-invasion thing. It's time to stir things up with the Do-It-Yourself UFO Hoax
The Checkershadow Illusion
Witness the eye-boggling checkershadow illusion{ and see if you can tell that the 2 marked squares are the same shade of gray }
Zombie Pinups
With D.Ball noting all those zombie sightings out in the world, it's not too long before there will be a market for Zombie Pin-Up Girls. { warning: these are photos of zombies. you might be disturbed by them. }
PC EZ-Bake Oven
No need to get up from your computer and walk all the way to, say, the kitchen for a hot snack. Just add the PC EZ-Bake Oven to your system.