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Semi-Regular Randomly-infrequent dispatches on click-worthy entertainments, art, interesting facts & more!
Thanks, Pee-wee!
Welcome visitors sent here by the wonderful @peeweeherman. For those that haven't seen it, be sure to check out his amazing website. Thanks for the link, Pee-wee! Having been a fan since my childhood, it's pretty exciting to see that you've enjoyed the Museum of Food...
“Awww” to “Awesome” and BEYOND
I've never been one to post photos of cute animals. Until now. This isn't just cute. It's life-changing. [ via f** ]
Not a Painting
What you are about to view "isn't a painting. It's not a Photoshop job or an artist's rendering. It's a photograph..." [from National Geographic via Gizmodo]
Stolen Camera Finder
Stolen Camera Finder "uses the serial number stored in your photo to search the web for photos taken with the same camera."
Art vs. David Lynch’s Hair
A comparative study of David Lynch's hair vs. Well-Known Works of Art:
World’s Biggest Pacman
Play or build the World's Biggest Pacman game.
Gravity Marimba
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring is "performed" by a gravity-powered marimba in the forest: httpvh://
Hanttula B-Movie Title Generator
Need a title for your next B-Movie? Look no further than the Hanttula B-Movie Title Generator that will create no less than 253,440 spectacular titles at your whim.
Better than Angry Birds?
Why waste your time with Angry Birds when you can play Crush the Castle 2? Hurl an assortment of objects at fortresses of ever-increasing complexity as you attempt to crush castles across the land.
Famous Objects from Classic Movies
PLAY: Famous Objects from Classic Movies (FYI: there are currently 101 movies listed in the game)
Telling The World’s Time, Elegantly is a site with a single purpose: telling the exact time for any place around the world. The display even checks your computer's clock for accuracy and will notify you of how far off, exactly, your computer is from the "official" time.
The Internet Wishlist
The Internet Wishlist is a place for people to post their ideas for apps & websites that they wish existed. "Think of it like a suggestion box for the future of technology."
The Last Breakfast
Behold, Brian Stuckey's 'The Last Breakfast' (larger version & prints available on his site):
Cinema Monumental
Digging the 'Cinema Monumental' animated illustrations of Meiko Windisch.
The Great Gatsby Videogame
Play NOW: The Great Gatsby in 8-Bit videogame form!
Beer glasses that fill from the bottom
Dear viewer, meet the future... of beer consumption. Rather than wait for a bartender to pour individual glasses, a new machine fills cups automatically from the bottom up. I could go on, but just see for yourself. It's almost like m-a-g-i-c....