

+ Deep

Semi-Regular Randomly-infrequent dispatches on click-worthy entertainments, art, interesting facts & more!

Get the Glass

The game Get the Glass is styled after an old-school board game (but in 3D) and is one of the most beautiful online games to date.Those who successfully complete the game have an opportunity to receive a free milk glass { as part of the "Got Milk?" campaign }

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Virtual NES

Prepare to waste a lot of time: Virtual NES provides a host of old Nintendo games; playable right through your browser.{ hint: look in the upper right corner for control instructions, once you're on the site }

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Dylan Hears a Who!

Dylan Hears a Who is a collection of {free} songs & artwork for the album Bob Dylan might have made had he decided to pay tribute to the 50th anniversary of "Cat In The Hat"

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Daytrotter: a place to download free songs (legally) and meet your new, favorite band.Daytrotter brings back the John Peel style of recording bands live, in-studio with very little fuss. As music sites come & go, Daytrotter will continue to stand out as something...

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Meet Scribd: It's like YouTube, but for documents.{ pdfs, word docs, powerpoint presentations, spreadsheets and more! }Next thing you know, people might start reading again!

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Threadless Spring Sale!!!

Yes, it's that time again!  Spring is in the air!  And with it comes the Threadless $10 t-shirt sale!  On until March 12th!  Get 'em while they're fresh!

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Ze Frank’s The Show

Almost a year ago, web wunderkind Ze Frank started "The Show" with the goal of creating a video a day for each weekday for a year.It's coming close to the March 17th deadline & he's amassed a pretty phenomenal collection of videos. If you haven't watched...

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Ze Frank’s The Show

Almost a year ago, web wunderkind Ze Frank started "The Show" with the goal of creating a video a day for each weekday for a year.It's coming close to the March 17th deadline & he's amassed a pretty phenomenal collection of videos. If you haven't watched...

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Your Face Blog

Your Face Blog's owner will draw the face of any visitor who submits a real photo of him/herself -- just to prove that real people actually read his blog.

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