

+ Deep

Semi-Regular Randomly-infrequent dispatches on click-worthy entertainments, art, interesting facts & more!


How can we possibly get so excited about Harry Potter and such when the world holds such horror as... Stacy?

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Dan Deacon on NBC

Music videos this rad are not supposed to exist on local news shows, yet they do: Dan Deacon on NBC Local Affiliate.{ at first I thought it must have been a fake; but then I found the pre-performance interview }

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Jim on Instructables contributer "Jim" has an entry in an Instructables contest where he could win a LASER CUTTER.It's, by far, one of the better Instructables I've seen (good photos; clear instructions; cool project). So, don't waste another moment, SEE: Jim's LED...

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The 80s Project

The 80s Project {from King Magazine } takes inspiration from this summer's big-screen adaptation of Transformers to take "a look at other perennial 80s series that could and could not work on the big screen."

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Bags for Beer

Crumpler Bags (NYC/Toronto) is having a "sale" through the 17th where you can exchange varying amounts of beer for rather sweet their bags: the Beer for Bags sale

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