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Semi-Regular Randomly-infrequent dispatches on click-worthy entertainments, art, interesting facts & more!
Kitty Valentine
It seems that flash-animated singing kitties are all the rage these days. Chaoskitty has made this more-creepy-than-romantic valentine's day card for everybody.
Shards o’ Glass
mmm... delicious Shards o' Glass Freeze Pops
Shards o’ Glass
mmm... delicious Shards o' Glass Freeze Pops
Watch Alapacas enjoy their day with the AlpacaCam
Visited States & Countries
Want a quick way to draw a map of the states and/or countries you've visited? Try World66.
Malt Liquor Valentine
The best moviemaking is on the net: My Malt Liquor Valentine
No Opportunity Wasted
The Discovery Channel is offering $3000 for people to live out their exotic (and TV-worthy) dreams for their new show "No Opportunity Wasted." Check out their sample submissions, then apply.
World Wide Media eXchange
DarkDan introduce's us to Microsoft's World Wide Media eXchange {demo}: "MS hired a college grad to hike around and take photos for a living, then they created a super-site to manage the photos geographically."
Boring3D is anything but.
The Porchulator
The Porchulator { Make what you will of it, just turn your speakers on. }
Penguin Fungo
Time to put on your Yeti suit and play a little Penguin Fungo.
Li’l Guns and Roses
I couldn't have made this up if I tried... An all kid Guns n' Roses tribute band!
Li’l Guns and Roses
I couldn't have made this up if I tried... An all kid Guns n' Roses tribute band!
Hamlet the text adventure
IT'S FLASHBACK THURSDAY! A looooooooong time ago... Nerds of all kinds gathered around text-based adventure games to get their jollies. Now you too can relive the thrill of typing action commands like "Go North" with HAMLET: THE TEXT ADVENTURE!
Public Libraries Rock My World
{ This is just a little reminder about how wonderful public libraries are. Go visit yours today. }
Stories About Movies
125 Stories About Movies And The Events Surrounding Them.