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Semi-Regular Randomly-infrequent dispatches on click-worthy entertainments, art, interesting facts & more!

Kitty Valentine

It seems that flash-animated singing kitties are all the rage these days. Chaoskitty has made this more-creepy-than-romantic valentine's day card for everybody.

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No Opportunity Wasted

The Discovery Channel is offering $3000 for people to live out their exotic (and TV-worthy) dreams for their new show "No Opportunity Wasted." Check out their sample submissions, then apply.

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World Wide Media eXchange

DarkDan introduce's us to Microsoft's World Wide Media eXchange {demo}: "MS hired a college grad to hike around and take photos for a living, then they created a super-site to manage the photos geographically."

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Hamlet the text adventure

IT'S FLASHBACK THURSDAY! A looooooooong time ago... Nerds of all kinds gathered around text-based adventure games to get their jollies. Now you too can relive the thrill of typing action commands like "Go North" with HAMLET: THE TEXT ADVENTURE!

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