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Semi-Regular Randomly-infrequent dispatches on click-worthy entertainments, art, interesting facts & more!

Pumpkin Carving 101

Just in time for Halloween Week: Pumpkin Carving 101. { where, besides learning the basics of pumpkin artistry, you can learn interesting facts such as "pumpkins are not a vegetable - they are a fruit! Pumpkins, like gourds, and other varieties of squash are all...

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WordCount presents 86,800 (thus far) most frequently used English words, ranked by commonality. { you can even search for your favorite word or check words by rank number ... and find out exactly which would is 86,800th. }

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As Christmas fast approaches it's time to start putting aside those little gifts. You know, for those people that you like, but not enough to actually spend money on them.

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Pumpkin Stencils!

Here are some fantastic stencils for New Millenium Jack-0-Lanterns! Whether you get your All Hallows Eve jollies from the idea of a gourd graced with Mike Meyers face or simply groove on having Shaun of the Dead himself grace your stoop, then this is the place.

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Bathroom Server

I'm all for people getting involved with their work, but when you're installing a server in your bathroom, you've gone too far. { or, please, at least clean the bathroom before photographing it. }

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Transportation Futuristics

The cars of today, yesterday! Wait, no, the cars of today, tomorrow! No. The cars of what should be now, from quite a while ago. Well, sort of. But, it is the Transportation Futuristics: Visionary Designs in Transportation Engineering.

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Oddities of the World

Oddities of the World: a photo-historical presentation of various sideshow performers { seperated into categories; everything from Siamese Twins to Skeletal Deformities to Oversized Parts. Enjoy. }

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Up early this morning? Maybe it's time to go for a Duckhunt! { 1908's Nintendo-style } Or, maybe you're dreaming of Vegas and want to play some Blackjack? But, my current game of choice is Texas Hold 'Em. { this link goes to a MSN version of the game }

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How to Dance & Act

Finally, someone lays the important life lessons out there for the rest of us: How to Dance Properly { girls love guys with moves } How to Act Convincingly { save thousands on acting school } and How to Impress Your Date { successful date after demonstrating dancing...

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As part of his push for non-mainstream music distribution, comic book writer Warren Ellis is curating "Telepathine"... a free music sampler station. Check it out. Never know what you'll find.

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Dumb Jumping Game

Waaaaay back when I was a child, there was an Olympics themed arcade game - many games in one, really. But I particularly remember the Long Jump event in which you had to hammer two buttons repeatedly to build up speed, while hitting a third to time your jump. Here's...

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Sometimes people go too far on the web, this is one such example: { warning. } { i don't know what else to say, just... warning. } { although you ladies may enjoy the "Mono Bro of the Week" }

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