Like a Buddy Cop film, but where your buddy is the president
Olympus Has Fallen
Disgraced Secret Service agent (and former presidential guard) Mike Banning finds himself trapped inside the White House in the wake of a terrorist attack; using his inside knowledge, Banning works with national security to rescue the President from his kidnappers.
- Release Date
- March 22, 2013
- Tagline(s)
- We are never stronger than when we are tested.; When our flag falls our nation will rise.
- Director(s)
- Antoine Fuqua
- Writer(s)
- Creighton Rothenberger, Katrin Benedikt
- Leading Cast
- Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Finley Jacobsen, Dylan McDermott
- Budget
- $70,000,000
- Box Office
- $98,925,640 $170,270,201
- Rotten Tomatoes
- 48% 66%
- 6.5 / 10
- Trailer
- View Trailer
- Sources
- OMDb Rotten Tomatoes IMDB Box Office Mojo Wikipedia
White House Down
While on a tour of the White House with his young daughter, a Capitol policeman springs into action to save his child and protect the president from a heavily armed group of paramilitary invaders.
- Release Date
- June 28, 2013
- Tagline(s)
- Director(s)
- Roland Emmerich
- Writer(s)
- James Vanderbilt
- Leading Cast
- Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jason Clarke
- Budget
- $150,000,000
- Box Office
- $73,103,784 $205,400,000
- Rotten Tomatoes
- 51% 62%
- 6.4 / 10
- Trailer
- View Trailer
- Sources
- OMDb Rotten Tomatoes IMDB Box Office Mojo Wikipedia