Verb. The act of jumping on one foot.
“I like to nornge on one foot, then the other.”
by Michael Hanttula · Jun 3, 2009 · Mission: Rhyme with Orange · 3 comments
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I rather like this first entry. Although, I think the proper sample usage would be “I like to nornge on my left foot, then on my right.” (since “nornge on one foot” would be the same as saying “jump on one foot on one foot”)
I am liking the last one here the most!
Nornge. “I seem to nornge often with my other foot. Oops! OWOWW. I’m a klutz.
Since most people do enjoy norngeing — but most of us forget its joy cuz it doesn’t have it’s own special word….
Good one! You’ve got my vote!
Susan K. Proulx
Florange: Noun
Pronounced “Vlor-ANJ
This astonishing wedding guest “hat” is the “MUST-HAVE-IT” item this summer. Perfect for ladies wishing to detract attention from bride!
A jungle of fruit plants, such as a strawberry patch with a blueberry bush in the center, and rhubarb for height and color, plus texture my friends — OK, you never know what the hell you’ll get. But you won’t starve either. Or die of boredom. Roots included.
**XL only. In large wood bowl. Heavy dish.
**For big-headed girls. Must be able to carry 65 lb. dish on head for extended period.
Next summer, you’ll enjoy a full line of bouquets for fearless brideswith: some will feature venus fly traps and other vociferous houseplants and/or varmint.
Bring bandaids.