Freddy Kruger Chip, 2008
Potato chip horror show.
Potato chip horror show.
So much sadness & woe for a single pickle.
Jackie was cutting through this potato when she found it staring back at her with this sly grin. We’re not sure what to make of this: did the potato have a secret plan in mind? Was Jackie’s cutting of the potato part of that plan?!? We may never know.
From that episode of “The Twilight Zone…”
Everyone’s chanting for “Chubby cookie face!”
Philosophical question: could a coconut be a castaway on a tropical island?
Chris writes “I’ve gotten egg on my face before but never face on my egg.” We think it looks more like a skull. Either way, Chris wisely left the egg alone & enjoyed oatmeal that morning.
Sometimes peppers suffer from having bad parents who stick them in front of the television instead of talking to them & playing with them. Sometimes, though, the pepper lucks out & watches nothing by Gregory Peck films growing up. Seriously, watch a Gregory Peck film then look at this pepper. It’s got his look down.
Have YOU met Berry the berry?
Another example of a terrifying cereal product!