Subtly Smiley Potato, 2011
It’s almost as if this potato doesn’t know that the chef is making mashed potatoes.
It’s almost as if this potato doesn’t know that the chef is making mashed potatoes.
A message from someone’s dog, left in the remaining kibble in a food bowl.
A pair of pleasant faces in a pepper.
Like the “Cookie Monster,” except…
The expression found in this newly opened container of ice cream lies somewhere between shock, awe & surprise…
The hunt for faces in coffee-based beverages continues!
A treat this delicious-looking should be happy!
Grande half-skinny split duo shot soy chai latte with a foam face, please.
A true spirit of the OREO cookie – revealed!
Is this squash simply emulating the creatures of myth? Or, is it a sign of a new creature to come?