Vibraphonic Jungle Exotica & Lounge


Album cover of Vibraphonic Jungle Exotica & Lounge by Fisherman

Album Title: Vibraphonic Jungle Exotica & Lounge

Artist(s): Fisherman

Year: 2003

Genre(s)/Style(s): Exotica, Lounge

Track Listing:

  1. Quiet Village 3:55
  2. Pipeline 3:01
  3. Simalau 3:29
  4. Wachi Wara 3:07
  5. Cadillac 1:22
  6. Night Train 3:59
  7. Halem Nocturne 2:10
  8. The Strip 1:40
  9. Well You Needn’t 3:03
  10. Busy Blues 2:08
  11. Told Ya So 3:14
  12. Work Song 2:24

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Liner, Listening & Album Notes:

Fisherman is the alter ego of Brian Lease, a classically trained percussionist who cut his teeth playing drums in the southern California psychedelic punk scene before moving to San Francisco where he expanded his reach into the outer limits of esoteric retro mash-up. Inspired by The Cramps, Russ Myers, thrift store detritus and DIY fearlessness, Lease began creating projects with no precedent except perhaps a fever dream following a night passed out watching Eraserhead and Gilligans Island.

The Fisherman Website

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