Star Wars and other Galactic Funk


Album cover of Star Wars and other Galactic Funk by Meco

Album Title: Star Wars and other Galactic Funk

Artist(s): Meco

Year: 1977

Genre(s)/Style(s): Novelty, Other

Track Listing:

Star Wars (15:47)

  1. A1.1 Title Theme
  2. A1.2 Imperial Attack
  3. A1.3 The Desert And The Robot Auction
  4. A1.4 The Princess Appears
  5. A1.5 The Land Of The Sand People
  6. A1.6 Princess Leia’s Theme
  7. A1.7 Cantina Band
  8. A1.8 The Last Battle
  9. A1.9 The Throne Room And End Title

Other Galactic Funk

  1. B1.1 Other 4:07
  2. B1.2 Galactic 5:02
  3. B1.3 Funk 3:21

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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