Sa Guitare Hawaienne et Les Tune up

Maurice Bougie a Hawaii

Album cover of Sa Guitare Hawaienne et Les Tune up by Maurice Bougie a Hawaii

Album Title: Sa Guitare Hawaienne et Les Tune up

Artist(s): Maurice Bougie a Hawaii


Genre(s)/Style(s): Hawaiian, Polynesian, Hapa Haole

Track Listing:

  1. Hawaii Calls
  2. Au Hea Oe
  3. Lovely Kaui
  4. A Million Moons
  5. On The Beach At Waikiki
  6. Sweet Someone
  7. Beyond The Reef
  8. Barney’s Palm Tree
  9. Liliane Aloha Nui Loa
  10. I’ll See You In Hawaii

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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