Lure of Paradise

Andre Kostelanetz

Album cover of Lure of Paradise by Andre Kostelanetz

Album Title: Lure of Paradise

Artist(s): Andre Kostelanetz


Genre(s)/Style(s): Exotica, Hawaiian, Polynesian, Hapa Haole, Other

Track Listing:

  1. Aloha Oe, Song Of The Islands
  2. Kalua
  3. Bali-Ha’i
  4. Sweet Leilani
  5. On The Beach At Waikiki, Hawaiian War Chant, My Honolulu Tomboy
  6. Gates Of Heaven (Traditional Japanese Court Ceremonial)
  7. The Moon Of Manakoora
  8. Kashmiri Song
  9. Lotus Land
  10. We Kiss In A Shadow
  11. Now Is The Hour, Aloha Oe

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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