Il Corpo

Piero Umiliani

Album cover of Il Corpo by Piero Umiliani

Album Title: Il Corpo

Artist(s): Piero Umiliani


Genre(s)/Style(s): Exotica, Other

Track Listing:

  1. Free Life (vocal)
  2. Tidal Stream
  3. In The End (inst.)
  4. Hard Times
  5. Stream (alt.)
  6. Princess (alt.)
  7. Chaser
  8. Stream (alt. intro)
  9. The Body
  10. White Sand (ext.)
  11. In The End
  12. In The Village
  13. Free Life (ext.)
  14. Princess (ext. intro)
  15. Stream
  16. Savana
  17. Dusken
  18. Desert Island
  19. Princess
  20. The Body
  21. Desert Island

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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