Idol Pleasures

The Tiki Tones

Album cover of Idol Pleasures by The Tiki Tones

Album Title: Idol Pleasures

Artist(s): The Tiki Tones

Year: 1996

Genre(s)/Style(s): Exotica, Lounge, Other

Track Listing:

  1. Island Uprising
  2. Rusty Nail
  3. Fire Good
  4. Topple The Moai
  5. Sneaky Tiki
  6. Mr. Yuniohsi
  7. Joe 90
  8. Man Or Mancini?
  9. Gomez
  10. Feather Boa
  11. Lava Flow
  12. Tiki Hydromatic
  13. Tijuana Taxi
  14. The Wild Baron

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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