Hawaii Calls – Exotic Instrumentals

Webley Edwards

Album cover of Hawaii Calls - Exotic Instrumentals by Webley Edwards

Album Title: Hawaii Calls – Exotic Instrumentals

Artist(s): Webley Edwards


Genre(s)/Style(s): Exotica, Hawaiian, Polynesian, Hapa Haole

Track Listing:

  1. Some Enchanted Evening (from “South Pacific”)
  2. Bamboo Shadows (Japanese)
  3. Whispering Reef (Hawaiian)
  4. Alicia (Hawaiian)
  5. Narcissus Queen (Chinese)
  6. Forbidden Waters (Polynesian)
  7. Geisha (Japanese)
  8. Dahil Sayo (Filipino)
  9. Beyond The Rainbow (Hawaiian)
  10. Tangi Tahiti (Tahitian)
  11. Maiji Girl (Hawaiian)
  12. The Hands I Love (Oriental Hawaiian)

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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Responses (2)

  1. Who plays guitar on whispering reef? Not slide, but guitar…if you know, thanks in advance!

    • Michael Hanttula says:

      Unfortunately I have no idea. Hopefully someone else will come along who knows. The only credit I’ve found is for “Danny K. Stewart” who, I believe, wrote the music for the track.

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