Death Surf

Heroin in Tahiti

Album cover of Death Surf by Heroin in Tahiti

Album Title: Death Surf

Artist(s): Heroin in Tahiti

Year: 2012

Genre(s)/Style(s): Exotica, Other

Track Listing:

  1. Death Surf – 7:01
  2. Spaghetti Wasteland – 4:38
  3. Campomorto/E Kipa Mai – 7:47
  4. Zoom – 1:58
  5. Ex-Giants on Dope – 5:47
  6. Sartana – 6:39
  7. Heroin in Tahiti – 7:39

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Liner, Listening & Album Notes:

Inspired by the classic Italian “spaghetti sound” turned into a depressed and paranoid version of the typical twang-surf of Morricone’s scores, “Death Surf” is an hypothetical soundtrack of an old mondo-movie gone bad. The album drags the oppressive heat and bad habits of the Mediterranean to the radioactive beaches of Polynesia, discovering non-existent tribes, invented costumes, misplaced traditions and colonial exoticisms.

Think of drinking a frozen Daiquiri on a solitary beach while watching a poorly tuned TV broadcasting loops of “If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death”, while Mururoa tests are happening at the horizon.

If this was the soundtrack of the end, it couldn’t be more doped.

Album’s Bandcamp page

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