Cults Percussion Ensemble

Cults Percussion Ensemble

Album cover of Cults Percussion Ensemble by Cults Percussion Ensemble

Album Title: Cults Percussion Ensemble

Artist(s): Cults Percussion Ensemble


Genre(s)/Style(s): Percussion

Track Listing:

  1. Autun Carillion
  2. Baia
  3. My Love She’s But A Lassie Yet
  4. Circles
  5. Percussion Suite (3rd Movement)
  6. The Little Dancer
  7. Two Jubilee Pieces
  8. Erlangen Polka
  9. Dream Angus
  10. Surrey With The Fringe On Top
  11. Irish Washerwoman
  12. Polymers

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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