Ambiance Hawaienne

Albert (Bert) Renaldi

Album cover of Ambiance Hawaienne by Albert (Bert) Renaldi

Album Title: Ambiance Hawaienne

Artist(s): Albert (Bert) Renaldi


Genre(s)/Style(s): Exotica, Hawaiian, Lounge, Cocktail Music, Jazz/Easy Listening

Track Listing:

  1. Chant Des Iles (Song Of The Islands)
  2. La Vie En Rose
  3. Rags To Riches
  4. Whispering
  5. J’attendrai
  6. Wabash Blues
  7. You Are My Sunshine
  8. Sentimental Journey
  9. Roses Of Picardy
  10. Hawaiian War Chant

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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