by Michael Hanttula · Nov 1, 1996 · Spoon Journal Project
My script about a young boy, balloons, and a squirrel is getting closer and closer to completion. Drum circles are losing their attractiveness as they become more work and less fun.
by Michael Hanttula · Oct 31, 1996 · Spoon Journal Project
Halloween (my favorite holiday) and my first experience getting to pass out candy to trick-or-treaters. Hint: never tell children to “take a handful” at Halloween – they have much larger hands than you would imagine. Introduced a Bulgarian friend to...
by Michael Hanttula · Oct 30, 1996 · Spoon Journal Project
Kim was fascinated by a small pumpkin adorning our table, she played with it endlessly. Kim is a shaman. The waiter gave me a second glance as he carried off my plate and noticed that this large pasta spoon was missing.
by Michael Hanttula · Oct 29, 1996 · Spoon Journal Project
Lisa won tickets to a screening of “Palookaville” at the Palo Alto Square Theatres. She invited me along. A great movie going experience; the theater staff was probably the best I have ever experienced. After the show, the projectionist gave us a tour of...
by Michael Hanttula · Oct 27, 1996 · Spoon Journal Project
It seems that the revolution must come to an end. The mighty powers of the Fresh Choice Empire will not budge. And, I’m getting rather sick of these bland spoons. So, now it is time to end …or start liberating something larger:
by Michael Hanttula · Oct 17, 1996 · Spoon Journal Project
The second meeting with Bill. Looking forward to reviewing his scripts with great anticipation. Almost forgot about this spoon. Strangely, the waitress removed all of the flatware from our table except for this spoon. Along with working on these new movies, I am...
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