
It’s an online version of Bust-A-Move { sure to provide some Saturday morning videogame entertainment }

Bizarre Bazaarast

Last minute notice:Tomorrow (here in L.A.) is the Bizarre Bazaar — a crafty sort of faire — featuring Los Angeles artists and their hangable, wearable, watchable work. You’ll especially want to attend to check out Wendy Crabb of GreenGirlArt fame...

Stop, Drop & Roll

In tonight’s video, a young genius discovers that pouring gasoline over his pants & running through fire is a less-than-brilliant idea{ I guess the concept of "stop, drop & roll" is no longer taught. } 

Persuasive Games

Nicky P. has prompted us to link a small collection of games: semi-political, semi-fun. The makers haven’t gotten down the concept of in-game controls, but they make up for it with a good sense of humor: Persuasive Games

Zombie Game

{ a Monday Mornin’ productivity killer! }All Hallows Eve is a fun & semi-addictive Flash game where you defend your house from marauding zombies. { Aim for the Head }

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