Blade Runner in Watercolors

An artist/animator uses 3285 watercolor paintings in the first part of a recreation of the film “Blade Runner” {note: it takes about 18 seconds of video before any images start appearing } httpv://!

Thou Shall Not Commit Logical Fallacies

An education is not just about the learning of facts and figures, but of learning how to learn and how to think. Yet most of us stumble through life committing the egregious “sins” of logical fallacies (in both our thoughts & debates). Now...

Brand Spirit

Rather enjoying Andrew Miller’s Brand Spirit in which he paints out the branding of a different, common object each day for 100 days.

Simple & Awesome: RedBall Project

Who would have thought that something as simple as a giant, inflatable red ball installed in unexpected places could be so inspiring and awesome? Answer: Kurt Perschke with his travelling RedBall Project.

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