Anarchy Salad
A call for “anarchy!” arrives via salad.
Threadless T-Shirt Sale
All in-stock Threadless t-shirts are $9 – TODAY ONLY. See? it’s for 09/09/09.The Old Robots Website
The Old Robots Website lives up to its name by displaying dozens (if not hundreds) of educational & toy robots from (around) the 1980’s.Egg Inside An Egg & Other Oddities
A Hanttula.com reader sent in a link suggestion for an article about a farmer than found a fully-formed egg inside of another egg that led me to the Telegraph’s collection of “freaky fruit & vegetable” photos like this purposefully-shaped pear:...IKEA Heights
Adding itself to the list of video projects shot entirely in IKEA stores, IKEA Heights is a comedy-melodrama that utilizes the Swedish store’s various showrooms for sets (all recorded during store hours, apparently without the approval or knowledge of the store...Scribbler
Gymbeaux remotely recommends: Ze Frank’s Scribbler which takes the user’s very basic line drawing and follows its lines with scribbles until it becomes something more artistic-looking.Concrete Radio
Sometimes you have to do things just because you can. Like, build a custom radio case out of concrete.
8-Legged Horhino
An 8-legged merged creature… plus a background mystery!
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