Pizza Buffet
same time same place same thing you know what’s coming…. Round Table Burbank 12:15 PM Corner of Victory …and Buena Vista did I mention Burbank? how about 12:15 PM? oh, that’s right, I did. See you there. Unless you don’t come. Then too...buffet! buffet!
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whale. dolphin. tiger. bear. toad. rabbit. pizza. pizza. pizza. Tuesday But wait… not just Tuesday. Tuesday at 11:30 A.M 11:30 A.M 11:30 A.M to cram in all the pizza, skiing, and air hockey we can. can. can-can. Burbank Round Table. Table. Round. 11:30 TUESDAY...Royal Pizza Buffet
Hey Everyone, Just thought I’d throw the word out there that there will be a meeting of the Royal Pizza Buffet tomorrow back at the Burbank Round Table. 12:15 PM Burbank Round Table Pizza (at the corner of Victory & Buena Vista) Hope to see you there,...Late RPB Notice
yes yes yes it’s happening. today… 12:15…. Round Table…. Burbank.RPBRPBRPBRPBRPBRPBRPBRPBRPBRPBRPBRPBRPBRPBRPBRPBRPBRPB
—HELLO TO YOU— {{{{{ Kristen has returned from Japan }}}}} {{{{{ Royal Pizza Buffet in her honor }}}}} {{{{{ Burbank Round Table Pizza }}}}} {{{{{ Victory & Buena Vista }}}}} {{{{{ 12:15 PM }}}}} — GOODBYE TO YOU...Tomorrow, on a very special episode of “RPB”
Hello everyone, ROYAL PIZZA BUFFET Tomorrow / Friday / August 10th 12:15 PM Burbank Round Table Pizza @ 407 West Victory (at the corner of Victory & Buena Vista) Their phone: 818-845-7613 See you there, Mike
SpookyComb: Edvard Munch Honeycomb
Do you believe that cereal is innocent? Think again.
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