Batman Begins

I just saw Batman Begins and noticed that it’s advertising does not use a tagline to further define the story. May I suggest "unbelievably, a franchise is saved." 

D.I.Y. A/C

Details on building your own needlessly complex air conditioning system.{ it almost reaches Rube Goldberg-esque proportions. }

Couch Surfing

For those of you that find youth hostels too luxuriant & safe, there’s now Couch Surfing {organized sleeping in stranger’s homes that has all the trappings of the next, creepy step of the Friendster phenomenon }{ on a completely unrelated...

Titan Arum Video

A big stinky Titan Arum flower (known as the "corpse flower" for its odor of rotting flesh) is about to bloom and you can watch all the action (and visitor’s reactions) on this live video feed.


This is one of the kinds of art I like (in case you were wondering):Inversion takes 2 soon-to-be-demolished homes and reinterprets them as a vortex.

The Monster Engine

The Monster Engine demonstrates what children’s drawings (of monsters) would look like if they were rendered realistically. Nice.

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