High Speed Scene

Nothing about me rocks. But, my taste in that which does rock is impeccable.Thus, you shall take my word as law when I say you must listen to The High Speed Scene {that’s their website } then you shall buy their album { it’s the best $10...

Sugar Crash!

Sugar Crash: the game that mixes blood sugar levels & bouncing kids while promoting what will be the next pop catch-phrase:  "you’ve let me down, Mr. Sugar! "

Games to Fight the Heat

It’s hot in Los Angeles. Somehow that translates to me posting games for you to play…Thinking: Games for the Brain { have your coffee first }Stacking: Stackopolis { stack blocks to build a city… and be sure to follow the...

Google Moon

In honor of the first moon landing on July 20th, 1969, Google has added a portion of the moon surface to the Google Maps system. { It’s especially interesting to zoom all the way in & see the level of detail they’ve captured. }


For your online gaming pleasure, I offer:The Entire YetiSports Saga { 9 games in all, from Penguin Baseball to Llama Spitting }{ scroll down to the area entitled "QuickPlay" for direct links to each game }

Plan 9 from Outer Space

Considered by many as the "Best Worst Movie Ever Made" it’s Ed Wood’s Plan 9 from Outer Space available in its entirety for free download. Enjoy… if you can.

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