Monday Mornin’ Games

Hanttula-dot-com continues its on-going mission statement of being The Final Bullet in the head of Productivity with these "Monday Mornin’ Games":Airdog { a pipe snowboarding challenge with several levels & an expanding arsenal of tricks...


ExtraTasty: besides being the web’s best site for drink recipes, ExtraTasty has a "My Bar" feature where you input what you’ve got in your bar & get back results of all the drinks you can mix. Get drinkin’.

The LOST Notebook: v2.0

For fans of LOST, the world-famous LOST Notebook has been completely overhauled to operate off of WordPress (blogging software) while maintaining its original design. Not only will updates now arrive faster, but visitors can do fun things like...

Abandoned Theme Parks

Even better than my obsession with abandoned buildings… comes Abandoned Theme Parks! { a photographic gallery of some beautifully vacant parks }


It dawned on me later, that if you were interested in playing "Lemmings… with worms!" you might just want to hit up the old school Lemmings. { now available in your browser }


Fastr — a Flickr-based game where you try to guess the search term used to generate the displayed photos. Played, in real-time, against others online. Faster guess = more points.

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