DarkDan likes his XBOX 360, but who knew that DarkDan’s XBOX 360 liked him? It does. And it writes about him. DarkDan’s XBOX can blog.

BandAid Weaving

You ever notice how difficult it is to keep a bandaid wrapped around your finger without it falling off or bunching up? Well, Jim sends us the longest explanation for the simplest way to keep bandaids smooth on your finger (even over your joints): BandAid...

More Animal Photos

If Cute Overload* hasn’t given you your fill of "all things adorable" — you should also visit Things That Make You Go Aahh { bad name, cute photos }{ *but, for evil versions of pet photos — visit Cute Overlord }

Poom! & Fancy Pants!

{ from Hanttula.com’s Office of Central Distractions comes: Your Monday Morning Games }POOM! — move an ever-changing floor to keep a ball bouncing. Sounds easy, proves difficult… and addicting.Fancy Pants Adventure — hand-drawn, side-scrolling...

L.L. L.N.

‘L.L. LOST Notebook’ means "Ladies Love the LOST Notebook."Well, apparently so, since updating the comments section has revealed that the vast majority of submissions come from women.{ thanks again to everyone, regardless of gender, that has...

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