Hamlet the text adventure

IT’S FLASHBACK THURSDAY! A looooooooong time ago… Nerds of all kinds gathered around text-based adventure games to get their jollies. Now you too can relive the thrill of typing action commands like “Go North” with HAMLET: THE TEXT...

The Dead Pool

Morbid Internet Gaming Alert! Time to log on and place your bets for the next ten celebrities to die.


Do you need to boost the profile of your storefront business? Go to iseejesus.com and arrange for a holy visitation!


What self-respecting computer geek hasn’t dreampt of innocently melding their DNA with their personal computer – resulting in a sentient artificial intelligence… that just happens to look a lot like Jack Black in his underwear? You haven’t?...

Mission: Traumatize Gish

I’d like to send a shout-out to my boy Gish with this web-site that features some beautiful draw-rings by children.

Jello Bath

Can you imagine the horror of sliding into a nice, cozy warm bath… and then having the placid pink water slowly harden into a gelatinous goo that encases your entire body? You can’t? Here let me help.

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