Tributes From Bono

This will amuse anyone that thinks U2’s Bono has become nothing more than a bloated, waxwork, sell-out parody of his former self. {And that Joe Strummer died for our sins.}


Would someone please try Kopykake, and let me know how well it works?


Yes, I’m pilfering from Boingboing once again. But this is too good to pass up. It’s like a Seinfeld episode in the flesh. If I had the dough, I’d buy a franchise for Cereality. {And here’s a news article that better explains the...

Bush Bashing

Some viewer mail: “What the hell is going on with It’s becoming all religon and politics: jews, virgins, apologies. Thank God…. I mean Thankfully there’s the filter trick and freaky animals otherwise it will be come (sic)...

Oy gevalt!

As we prepare for the annual visit of Hannukah Harry, perhaps it’s time for my fellow goyim to sit down and watch this brief yiddish tutorial.

Vodka Experiment

Filtering cheap vodka through a charcoal water filter to make it taste better than Ketel One? Why it’s so crazy it just might work!

Boo Bee

So many possibilities for jokes here. And yet, isn’t this site a little more high-brow than that? {No, really. I’m asking.)

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